Pile repair, maintenance and remediation Commercial Marine Group Qld

Pile Remediation

Pile Remediation

CMG are experienced in all types of pile repair, maintenance and remediation. Combined, the CMG Team have serviced thousands of piles and are specialists in QuakeWrap, Pilejax and Denso systems of remediation. CMG are also experienced in using custom design solutions.

CMG applies their experience and specialist tools for pile cutting. Subsea and surface cutting applications include clamshell, oxy, hydraulic devices, chainsaws, broco and wire cutting tools and applications.

Timber Piles

Want to find out more about the timber pile remediation process? Click here to view our video series

CMG recent pile remediation projects:

  • Port North Pipeline, Brisbane River – 200+ piles using Quakewrap PileMedic
  • Waste Berth 4 Pipeline Upgrade, South Trees Gladstone – 200 piles using Quakewrap PileMedic
  • Northshore Hamilton Upgrade – 96 piles using UCC
  • Dunlop Bridge, Gold Coast – 76 piles using Denso Seashield Marine 2000FD
  • QAL Waste Berth 4, Gladstone – 200+ timber piles
  • Larrakeyah Defence Precinct, Darwin – 200+ steel piles
  • Ampol Wharf, Brisbane River – 20 jack up piles

Find out how we can help you today!